How To Choose A Lawn For Your Landscape

A lawn is a critical aspect of your landscape improvement project. The truth is that most homeowners are often conflicted when buying lawns. It is especially so since they do not know the type of lawn that they should install on their landscape. If you happen to be in this predicament, read the extract below for some essential tips on the various types of lawns

Natural Lawns

They are ideal for people who would want a natural and authentic appeal to their landscape. Consider the following when buying a natural lawn: 

Seed Or Sod

Seeds are a preferable option for most people since they are cheap and readily available. Typically, most, if not all, grass varieties have seeds. Although seeds are easy to grow, they need more maintenance since they require regular watering and protection from pests. Sod, on the other hand, is a viable alternative for people who need a quick lawn on their landscape. The downside of this alternative is that it is expensive. Besides, sod could have adaptation problems if it was grown in another climate. 

Types Of Natural Laws

There are different varieties of grasses to choose from. However, the easiest way to choose grass is deciding whether you will go for cool or warm-season grass. Cool-season grasses can withstand the cold. They include ryegrass, fescues, bluegrass and bentgrass. Warm-season grasses are those that can survive in dry conditions. They include Kikuyu, Bermuda, zoysia and buffalo grass. You also need to consider the characteristics of the grass. For instance, can the grass withstand heavy foot traffic? What is the maximum length of the grass? How fast does the grass grow? Does the grass have sharp blades? Ultimately the answers to these questions will help you determine which cool or warm season grass you should purchase. 

Artificial Lawns

Artificial lawns are ideal for homeowners who want to create a lawn instantly. Besides, they would also be ideal for people who do not have the time, skills and patience to maintain a natural lawn. Below are some tips to help you when buying an artificial lawn: 

  • Assess the durability of the lawn. Typically, manufacturers that offer many years of warranty are confident that their products are long-lasting.
  • Assess the density of grass on the lawn. A high density will give you a lush landscape.
  • Artificial lawns come in all colours and shades. Therefore, you will need to decide which colour suits your landscape.
  • Check the terms of sale. For example, does the dealer offer free shipping and installation? Additionally, compare the pricing of several dealers selling the same product. 

You should now find it easy to choose a lawn for your landscape. Ultimately, your needs, the climate and your budget will play a significant role in determining the grass that you will purchase. 
